Funeral Arranging Tips

A challenge you could experience after losing a loved one is how to give them a befitting funeral. In many cases, you could be overwhelmed with grief and opinions from family and friends, and it may become challenging to plan the funeral. However, with the tips below, you should find it easy to handle funeral arranging

Determine Their Last Wishes

In some cases, the deceased might have specific wishes regarding how they would want their funeral conducted. For instance, it could be that they prefer cremation or to be buried in a particular plot. In other cases, they might opt for a private funeral or the ceremony conducted within a specified period. Check the deceased's will and consult with close family members to establish their last wishes. Incorporating these instructions into the funeral arrangements is a sure way to give them a befitting funeral.  

Create A Funeral Program 

Draft the funeral program at the earliest possible stage. Remember, it acts as the funeral blueprint and prevents confusion, oversights and overlapping responsibilities. Ideally, the funeral program should contain the following: 

  • The funeral home where your loved one will rest before burial.
  • When to visit your loved one at the funeral home to pay tribute and conduct last rites.
  • When you will hold a wake for your loved one. If you will, you must choose an appropriate venue and time. Besides, decide the guest speakers at the wake and set aside a moment of silence.
  • How and when you will prepare the body for the funeral. For instance, you might want your loved one buried in a specific attire.
  • The funeral day program. It should contain details such as the funeral venue, the guest speakers, ministers and celebrants who will talk during the ceremony, and when you will lay your loved one to rest. 

Set A Budget

The funeral program will help you set the funeral budget. For instance, since you know how long the body will stay at the funeral home, it becomes easy to establish the body storage and preparation costs. Additionally, you know how much you will spend to hold wakes, host guests at your home and hold the funeral ceremony. 

Hire A Funeral Director

A funeral director is a professional specialising in the planning of funerals. Typically, the director's role is to execute the funeral program. Therefore, they liaise with the funeral home to ensure the body is well preserved and ready for viewing and the funeral. Besides, they plan all events related to the burial. For instance, they send invite cards, provide catering services as you host guests in your home and offer event hire services on the funeral day. 

When arranging a funeral, determine your loved one's last wishes, create a funeral program, set a budget and hire a funeral director. 

About Me

Planning an All Natural Funeral

Contemporary funerals offer a lot of options. People don't have to be boxed into a single ideology. Instead, they can choose natural or alternative funerals. If you want to learn about natural funerals, you have come to the right place. This blog is going to include posts on using safe chemicals in embalming, the pros and cons of cremation, natural burial and decomposition and other natural things. However, I am also interested in natural funeral ceremonies – incorporating poems about nature or holding the ceremony in a natural place. Hi, my name is Cole, and I hope you enjoy reading the posts in this bog.